Auto Highlighting TOC

HowTo: highlight current title in TOC (Table Of Contents) as the main article scrolls.

Before Everything

The static site generator Hugo I used in for this site auto-generates TOC for each article. The rendered TOC html DOM structure is like:

<aside class="sidebar right-sidebar">
            <i class="fas fa-list"></i>
    <nav id="TableOfContents">
            <li><a href="#data">Heading 1</a>
                    <li><a href="#realm">Heading 1.1</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#realm">Heading 1.2</a></li>

It basically scans the article body part for headings (h1 h2 h3 h4 ...), each of which was rendered with an id attribute. For each heading Hugo adds a li item in TOC at appropriate level.


  1. Scan the TOC collecting all anchors like #realm in <a href="realm">.
    For an anchor like #realm there must be only one instance of element with "realm" as its id attribute.

  2. Scan for $('[id=' + anchorName + ']') part for heading elements corresponding to items listed in TOC.

  3. Collect their top x coordinate using $(...)
    Make a mapping like { anchorName: headingOffset }.

  4. Add an event handler $(window).scroll(function() { ... }).
    When window scrolls, get the window.pageYOffset and traverse the mapping collected above to found the closest heading that is beyond the window viewport offset.

  5. Highlight the corresponding <li> element in TOC by ‘$(…).addClass(‘current’)‘.

Full code

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(window).scroll(function() {
    $("#TableOfContents a").removeClass("current")

function tocItem(anchor) {
  return $("[href=\"" + anchor + "\"]")

function heading(anchor) {
  return $("[id=" + anchor.substr(1) + "]")

var _anchors = null
function anchors() {
  if (!_anchors) {
    _anchors = $("#TableOfContents a").map(function() {
      return $(this).attr("href")
  return _anchors

function currentAnchor() {
  var winY = window.pageYOffset
  var currAnchor = null
  anchors().each(function() {
    var y = heading(this).position().top
    if (y < winY + window.innerHeight * 0.23) {
      currAnchor = this
  return tocItem(currAnchor)