Site Building - Notes

I am not a professional web developer. I've been building this site in my casual time as well as learning some basic web skills. Here records my designing decisions and gains during building the site.


Hugo is the static site generator I use. It is known as programmer’ s site generator. It renders fast while providing sufficient flexibility for users to tweak every aspect of the site.

Its live reloading feature reloads currently opened page to immediately reflect your changes made in the source files. Suppose you have 2 display monitors, one for editor, the other shows the browser …

Neovim + Tmux + iTerm2 provides the “IDE” environment. Hugo does not require any special web editor or IDE, I accomplished almost all jobs with this tool combination.

FontAwesome provides all the fancy yet free icons in the site.

Emmet is a powerful web snippets expander to boost my html writing speed.

SCSS is my choose of CSS preprocessor, with [Hugo Pipes] feature automate the preprocessing.

TOML is the format I used in site and page content configuration.



Currently it use the same base layout as single article page below, except without the 2 sidebar column in middle area.

The main content area only shows a article list grouped by updated month.

Single article page

I use 3 row layout for article page’s base horizontal layout.

  1. Top navigation bar showing site logo and site main menu.
  2. Middle the main content area.
  3. Bottom footer showing site information.

The middle main content area emploies 3 column layout, with both sidebar columns fixed in the viewport.

  1. Left sidebar shows:

    1. Article tag list
    2. Recently updated article list
    3. Site main menu
    4. Related article list (See Also)
  2. Right sidebar shows table of contents of current article

The main menu section is dynamically positioned. If the right sidebar TOC is too short than the left sidebar tag list and recently updated article list combined, show main menu statically under the TOC. else anternate the site main menu with left sidebar 3rd section.

I use Base Templates and Blocks feature from Hugo to construct my single page template:

    <div class="frame">

        <!--Top navbar-->
        <header class="frame-header">
            {{ partial "top-navbar.html" . }}

        <!--Middle main content area-->
        <div class="main-frame">
            {{ block "main" . }}
            {{ end }}

        <!--Bottom site footer-->
        <footer class="frame-footer">
            {{ partial "bottom-navbar.html" . }}


This area has 2 parts:

  1. Left <nav> floats left, show site logo and title. It use flexbox layout to center the logo image and title vertically position: flex; align-item: center;

  2. Right <nav> aligns text to right, shows site main menu.

    <!--Align left-->
    <section class="top-navbar-left">
        <a href="">
            <!--Site logo-->
            <img src="" alt="">
        <a href="">
            <!--Site title-->

    <!--Align right-->
    <section class="top-navbar-right">">
            <!--4 menu links-->
                <a href="">

The area is divided into <section>s, I add spacing style on them.

<aside class="sidebar left-sidebar">
    <section  class="article-tag-list">
    <section class="pinned-article-list">
    <section class="updated-article-list">
    <section class="stage1">
        <section class="related-article-list">
        <section class="sidebar-menu">

The .stage is use for script nav.js to alternate the .related-article-list section and .sidebar-menu section when user scrolls the page up and down.

Frame of the section:


Similar to the left sidebar, but with right-sidebar class assigned to the top <aside> element.

<aside class="sidebar right-sidebar">

The nav element are used to add top margin under header.

Main content area

<article class="article">

    <!--Left sidebar-->
    <!--Show tag list if any-->
    {{ partial "left-sidebar.html" . }}

    <!--Right sidebar-->
    <!--Show TOC if front matter `toc` is not equal to `false`-->
    {{ partial "right-sidebar.html" . }}

    <h1 class="article-title">{{ .Title }}</h1>

    {{ if eq .Section "post" }}
        <span class="article-date">
            {{ .Date.Format "Updated: 2006-01-02"}}
    {{ end }}

    <!--Article content-->
    {{ with .Description }}
    <blockquote class='article-summary'>{{ . }}</blockquote>
    {{ end }}

    <div class="article-body">
        {{ .Content }}




There are 3 sections currently.

  1. Post section This is the main section of the site, almost all article go under it.

  2. Project section All my project introduction and demo articles go under this section.

  3. Resume section My resume, it only has a article.


There are 2 kinds of taxonomies in my site:

  1. Tags All posts must have at least one tag, the default tags is Untagged which is assigned by Hugo archetype at creation of the post content file.

  2. Series Series means a more tight relationship between articles. It is optional, often I split a growing article into several related articles, then I mark them as in the same series. E.g. Site Buiding series, Awesome Lists series.

All taxonomy names use normal casing like iOS, Swift etc.

Style Sheet


I only use 2 fonts for this site

  1. Merriweather for all cases except code.

  2. Roboto Mono for code text.

All font related styles are specified collectively in _fonts.scss.


The site use 3 kinds of code related element:

  1. Inline code bare <code> embedded with other element like <p>
  2. Code box block div.highlighting > pre > code which can be introduced using markdown code fence syntax, or Hugo shortcode highlight.
  3. Embedded code media like those from JSFiddle, CodePen etc.


Hugo provides 2 configurable levels for users to flexibly tweak aspects of their sites. Hugo also let user to choose his preferred configuration data format among JSON, YAML, TOML. I use TOML.

Site level configuration

Hugo requires my site level configuration stays in config.toml under the root path of site.

Code highlighting

I use the server side solution - Chroma which is recommanded by Hugo. See Syntax Highlighting for details.

I use predefined theme pygmentsStyle = "dracula". For completely customzation of the highlighted appearance, set pygmentsUseClasses instead of pygmentsStyle then follow Generate Syntax Highlighter CSS to get the initial CSS file to begin with the customization.

Related article list

This section of configuration controls the algorithm that hugo uses to generates related file list for each content page.

Currently the taxonomy series take the highest priority to in computing related file weight then the tags, then the article title …

Content level configuration


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