Site Building - Howtos

My gains from building this personal site.



How to express {{< highlight >}}?

Write <code>{{&lt; highlight &gt;}}</code>.

How control word casing?

Use text-transform: [capitalize|uppercase|lowercase|...] to control text casing. Better render the text in all lowercase from template.

The text-transform property should be applied to the immediate containing element the text.

How to style a <hr>

The horizontal ruler element is just a ordinary block element with no inner content (text). By default, their border-bottom is styled in be a 1px solid black line.

How to controls indentation of <ul>, <ol> lists?

Change their padding-left CSS property.

How to highlight corresponding item in the TOC when viewport scrolling.

See article Auto-highlighting TOC.

How to implement fixed sidebar that stay within the viewport while the main area is scrolls?

See article Fixed Sidebar.

How to align the sides of embedded medias, like YouTube video, JSFiddle and CodePen code box to native code box?

Wrap each of them into <div class="embedded-media-box">. For example:

<div class="embedded-media-box">
    <script async src="//,css,result/dark/"></script>

How to speed up page loading?

Use Hugo Pipes to minify and bundle assets which can reduces the size of data transferred as well as the number of requests.

How to test site on Microsoft Edge browser on macOS?

Suppose your hosting macOS was assigned IP address ‘’, and hugo server use port number ‘1313’.

  1. Install Parallel

  2. In ‘Install Assistant’ interface, choose ‘Free Systems -> Modern.IE Test Environment -> Microsoft Edge on Windows 10’ option, which would install a trivial version of Windows 10 operating system with Edge browser installed.

  3. Re-run hugo server command with option --bind='' --baseURL=''.

  4. Open in the Edge browser.

How to use SCSS variables in CSS calc expresssions.

Use the SCSS interpolation feature that is wrap the variable name within a #{}, like

$mainWidth: 350px;
$columnGap: 15px;

.left-side {
  left: calc(50vw + #{$mainWidth} / 2 + #{$columnGap});